Diet for the lazy

A diet for the lazy is an opportunity to get rid of extra pounds for people who do not have the time and money to prepare and buy special meals and products, visit gyms and beauty salons.

Diet for lazy weight loss for a week

A water diet for weight loss is a real gift for those who are fed up with the feeling of eternal hunger, the search for certain foods, a difficult schedule or foods that are not delicious from the most popular but very strict weight loss diets. Because of this anxiety, many people are unable to follow a diet that requires a certain amount of difficulty for a long time. They fail without waiting for the results.

Basic dietary rules for the lazy

  • For two glasses of water 15-20 minutes before meals!
  • Do not drink water during and after meals for two hours!
  • After two hours, you can drink your favorite coffee, green tea without sugar with a slice of lemon, but without anything (biscuits, cake, sweets, bread), otherwise you start eating again. You will have to put all the sweets aside for a while.

What is the secret of diet?

  • First, this already existing feeling of partial satiety, after taking two glasses of water, was already mentioned above;
  • Second - water accelerates metabolic processes in the body and the weight goes faster, again toxins and toxins are excreted with water;
  • Third, when you drink water before meals, you completely satisfy your fluid needs, and therefore sweet tea, juices, etc. Don't drink high calorie drinks like that.

Daily diet

Breakfast. We drink 2 glasses of water. We will eat breakfast as our heart desires. At the same time, we do not eat and then do not drink for 2 hours.

Lunch. We drink 2 glasses of water. We have lunch, there are no restrictions on the lunch menu. At the same time we do not eat and do not drink for 2 hours after dinner.

Lunch. We drink 1 glass of water. If you want, then 2. Eat without gastronomic restrictions. We do not wash food and then do not drink for 2 hours.

Note: If you suddenly decide to have a snack (for example, an afternoon snack), remember to drink 2 glasses of water before eating. However, if the amount of food is small (biscuits, rolls or sandwiches), you can drink only 1 cup.

Diet Pros

  • Lazy diet is very effective.
  • No diet adjustment is required.
  • Allows you to enjoy your favorite foods.
  • Not accompanied by hunger.
  • Activates the body's self-cleansing.
  • Stimulates metabolic processes
  • Provides fast food digestion
  • Eliminates water balance in body

Contraindications to a simple diet for the lazy

Diet is harmless at first glance. However, no matter how enthusiastic the reviews about the diet for the lazy, do not rush to apply it. See your doctor. And if you are a relatively healthy person, your doctor will confirm it. If you have kidney problems, heart disease, high blood pressure, it is better to prefer a different method with excess weight.

There is another nuance to using a simple diet for the lazy. The amount of water prescribed by the diet should be drunk with pleasure. If the water is "stupid", the body does not need such a quantity, then the diet for the lazy is not suitable for you.

Fruit and vegetable diet for the lazy

Diet for the lazy The main diet is water, fresh vegetables and fruits.

Duration of the diet: 1 week.

The principle of the diet: eat vegetables and fruits, preferably fresh. For the diet day - up to 2 kg. For water between meals of fruits and vegetables.

Features: Choose fruits according to skin type (dry - ripe and sweet, mixed or normal - desired, oily - sour and green).

The consequences of a lazy diet

  1. lose two to five kilograms a week;
  2. strengthen the immune system;
  3. improving skin color.


There is a special place to sleep during any diet and for the lazy. And not only the quantity, but also the quality. Healthy, healthy sleep for 8 to 9 hours promotes proper metabolism and normal food processing. When sleep is disturbed, a hormone called cortisol is produced.

Excess amounts have a negative effect on carbohydrate metabolism and the endocrine system, and lead to incomplete conversion of carbohydrates from food into energy, accumulating in the form of fat deposits. So try to regulate your sleep and the extra pounds will disappear faster during a lazy diet.

Complete your diet with vitamin-rich foods. For example, an element such as chromium helps the body not store carbohydrates in the form of fat deposits, but converts them into energy. With the help of chromium there is an active synthesis of a substance - collagen. This is very important because it helps to avoid the consequences of sagging skin, such as weight loss. Collagen makes skin healthy and firm.

If the body has enough chromium, magnesium, selenium and zinc, insulin levels will return to normal and pancreatic function will improve. As a result, it takes longer for a person to feel full after eating.

Knowing such nuances, you can lose weight not only for the benefit of your figure, but also for your health. A diet for the lazy will help you achieve the perfection you are trying to achieve.

The result

An incredible diet for the lazy will suit almost everyone. Opinion shows how pleasant it is to lose weight without giving up the usual diet. There is no need to carefully calculate calories, prepare separate meals and limit carbohydrate intake. A diet for the lazy is a great solution for people who want to gain a slim figure, but are not ready to give up their favorite foods.